Saturday, August 25, 2012


Barbecue is still in season! Come to the Cannery Center to stock up on all of your bbq needs!
 Lots of toys to pick
 We have lots of rubs, spices, marinades, salts and crusts to choose from
We sell Traeger grills and a wide variety of pellets
We even have a selection of amazing handmade aprons!

Smell the ocean every day

Ocean Spa Botanical Fragrance Oil

Friday, August 24, 2012

New items in the Boutique

Garden stained glass stepping stones

Own Cannery History.  We have a selection of antique crates.

Magnet boards and decorative magnets

Spooky local stories

re-done frame and stool

Word decor

Our clothing room full of fun, stylish, fashion

"Remember when?" birthday books

re done decor

huge selection of jewelry

slap-stick watches

candle on a rope

tag signs